About Begorra

We are the pioneers in infrastructure development and crushing and mining activities with 370 crores worth works in progress.We possess unparalleled excellence and our elite client list includes government, semi-government and private sector organizations. Begorra Infrastructure and Developers Pvt. Ltd has been in the limelight for a decade since its inception as a registered 'A' class construction company in infrastructure development and has been successful in completing the projects as per targets. Under the leadership of our qualified and experienced engineering team we have become a total solution provider for the construction industry.

We provide services in EPC, PPP, HAM, BOQ, BOT Projects and other private works. Our quality control team is well equipped with the latest technologies and best QA/QC engineers. We own and manage a large fleet of Plant & Equipment to augment our projects. Over the years we have developed multifaceted systems and procedures to ensure control over project cost, quality, schedule of implementation and safety.

Our Strength

  • Good clientele base.
  • Significant experience and strong track record in timely and successful execution of projects.
  • Repeated orders received on continuous basis.
  • Qualified and experienced employees led by a proven management team.
  • Expertise in sourcing and maintaining supply chain for raw material.
  • Timely completion of projects.
  • Induction of latest equipment and use of right tool for right work.
  • World class construction equipment in hand and optimization of Machinery.
  • Solely depends on in house team in execution of projects rather depends on sub contracts.
  • Top Management involvement in selection of major raw materials and selection of construction camp locations.
  • ERP SYSTEM - Implementation Stage ISO 9001 - 2015 Implementation Stage